Tìm kiếm
to collide
va chạm, tông nhau
to come into sudden and forceful contact with another object or person
Intransitive: to collide | to collide with sb/sth
The two cars collided at the intersection, resulting in a minor accident.
During the game, players accidentally collided on the field, causing a momentary pause.
The strong winds caused two trees to lean and eventually collide during the storm.
va chạm, đụng độ
to cause two or more things to come into forceful contact
Transitive: to collide two things | to collide sth with sth
The athlete collided the bat with the ball for a home run.
The wind collided the branches together, making a loud noise in the forest.
The storm collided the waves with the shore, causing significant erosion.
va chạm, khác ý kiến nghiêm trọng
(of people, their opinions, ideas, etc.) to seriously disagree
The two leaders collided over the terms of the peace agreement.
The group of friends collided over where to go for their vacation.
Their ideas about how to handle the project collided, causing a delay in progress.
Ví dụ
The two cars collided at the intersection, resulting in a minor accident.
During the game, players accidentally collided on the field, causing a momentary pause.
The strong winds caused two trees to lean and eventually collide during the storm.

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