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rasbora harlequin
What is a "harlequin rasbora"?
A harlequin rasbora is a small, colorful freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is named for its striking appearance, featuring a vibrant orange-red body with contrasting black triangular markings on its sides. The harlequin rasbora has a slender, streamlined shape and a forked tail fin. It is a peaceful and social species that thrives in well-planted aquariums with plenty of swimming space. In the wild, harlequin rasboras inhabit slow-moving streams and densely vegetated areas. They are omnivorous, feeding on small insects, crustaceans, and plant matter. With their dazzling colors and active nature, harlequin rasboras are popular among aquarium enthusiasts and add a splash of vibrancy to any aquatic setup.