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bảng trắng, bảng viết trắng
a large board with a smooth white surface that we can write on, especially used for teaching or presentations
What is a "whiteboard"?
A whiteboard is a smooth, shiny, white surface used for writing or drawing with special markers that can be easily wiped off. It is commonly used in classrooms, meeting rooms, and other places where information is shared or discussed. The surface allows dry-erase markers to leave marks that can be erased without leaving permanent stains, making it reusable. Whiteboards are usually mounted on walls or placed on stands, making them easy to see and convenient for presenting or organizing ideas. They can also be used for interactive displays in some cases.
During the language class, the teacher wrote new vocabulary on the whiteboard.
During the meeting, the presenter wrote important points on the whiteboard.
The office conference room is equipped with a large whiteboard for brainstorming sessions.