Tìm kiếm
Blind spot
điểm mù, chủ đề khó
a subject that is very challenging or boring to one
What is the origin of the idiom "blind spot" and when to use it?
The idiom "blind spot" originally referred to an actual area in a person's field of vision that cannot be seen, especially when driving a vehicle. This area is a result of the positioning of side mirrors and can lead to accidents if not accounted for. This expression is now used to refer to a subject or topic that someone finds challenging, uninteresting, or difficult to understand.
Statistical analysis is definitely a blind spot in my skillset.
điểm mù, vùng mù
the point where the optic nerve enters the retina; not sensitive to light
điểm mù, khu vực chết
an area within the normal range of a transmitter where radio signals are unusually difficult to receive
điểm mù, vùng mù
an area that a person cannot see or notice
The driver checked his blind spot before changing lanes.
There is a blind spot on the side of the mirror where you ca n't see other cars.
The teacher has a blind spot when it comes to noticing students at the back of the class.
Ví dụ
Statistical analysis is definitely a blind spot in my skillset.
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