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chạy nhanh, chạy nước rút
cuộc chạy nước rút, sự chạy nhanh
chạy nước rút, cuộc đua nước rút
What is a "sprint"?
A sprint is a short, fast race where the goal is to cover a set distance as quickly as possible. Sprinting usually involves distances ranging from 60 meters to 400 meters, and it requires maximum effort over a brief period of time. The focus is on speed, with runners reaching their top speed early and maintaining it until the finish line. Sprint races are commonly held on tracks, and the athletes need powerful bursts of energy, good technique, and fast reactions to achieve the best performance. Sprinting is often seen as a test of pure speed and explosive power.
cuộc nước rút, sự bứt phá
What is a "sprint"?
A sprint in cycling is a fast, short burst of speed used to finish a race or break away from competitors. Riders often use a sprint in the final part of a race, pushing their maximum effort to cross the finish line as quickly as possible. Sprinting in cycling requires strength, speed, and technique, especially when competing against others in a close finish.