Tìm kiếm
quần chúng, dân chúng
the common people generally
khối lượng, khối
the amount of matter in an individual, often used to describe the overall weight or size of the body
Bodybuilders aim to increase muscle mass.
Eating more can lead to gaining mass.
His muscles added mass to his arms.
một đám đông, một khối lượng lớn
a large quantity or number of something, often referring to a group of objects or people that are considered together
There was a mass of people waiting outside the concert hall.
The festival attracted a mass of visitors from all over the world.
They had to deal with a mass of emails by the end of the day.
đám đông, khối lượng
an ill-structured collection of similar things (objects or people)
In physics, mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object.
The mass of an object is typically measured in kilograms ( kg ) or grams ( g ).
Mass is a scalar quantity, meaning it has magnitude but no direction.
Thánh lễ, Nghi thức thánh
(Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Churches) the celebration of the Eucharist
khối lượng, vật chất
an amount of substance that has no definite shape
khối lượng, magnitude
the property of something that is great in magnitude
thánh lễ, công nghị
a musical setting for a Mass
Thánh lễ, Lễ nghi
a sequence of prayers constituting the Christian Eucharistic rite
thánh lễ, lễ tôn giáo
a religious ceremony that includes a choral composition with multiple voices and instruments, based on religious texts
What is a "Mass"?
A Mass is a type of religious service that includes a musical composition involving multiple voices and often instruments. It is based on religious texts and is performed during Christian worship. The Mass features various musical sections, such as hymns and prayers, that contribute to the overall spiritual experience of the ceremony. It is a key element in many Christian traditions and can range from simple to highly elaborate in its musical arrangement.
to mass
tập hợp, tụ tập
to join together in a large group or quantity
The protesters massed in the town square to demand political reform.
The students frequently mass in the cafeteria during lunchtime.
The workers often mass at the factory entrance before the start of the shift.
tập hợp, thu thập
to collect in a large group or quantity
Transitive: to mass sb/sth
She is currently massing her troops for the upcoming battle.
They recently massed their resources for the charity event.
Can you mass the ingredients for the recipe before starting?
đại trà, quy mô lớn
involving or impacting a large number of things or people collectively
Mass production techniques have led to the creation of affordable consumer goods.
The company faced mass layoffs due to economic downturn.
The internet allows for mass distribution of information to global audiences.

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