تلاش کریں
to gobble up
[phrase form: gobble]
چٹ کر جانا, جلدی جلدی کھا جانا
to eat something quickly and greedily, often with little regard to manners or etiquette
He gobbled up the pizza like he had n't eaten in days.
She loves chocolate so much that she gobbles up every chocolate bar in the house.
The dog gobbled up his dinner in seconds.
خرچ کرنا, حلق کر لینا
to quickly and extensively use resources, particularly money
The extravagant wedding ceremony gobbled up their savings.
The renovation project gobbled most of the company's budget up.
The unexpected medical expenses gobbled their financial resources up in no time.
حاصل کرنا, بھاگ دوڑ کر لینا
to rapidly and eagerly consume or acquire something other than food
The enthusiastic readers gobble up every new novel by their favorite author.
The real estate investors gobbled up all available properties in the area, driving up prices.
The company gobbled all available office space up for their new headquarters.