تلاش کریں
to chug
پی جانا, گھٹکی بھر بھر پی لینا
to consume a beverage, usually a carbonated or alcoholic one, quickly and in large gulps
Transitive: to chug a beverage
Thirsty after the game, he decided to chug a cold bottle of water.
The college students gathered to chug sodas during the hot summer afternoon.
She challenged her friends to see who could chug a can of soda the fastest.
چونچون کرنا, کھڑکھڑانا
to produce a rhythmic and repetitive sound, often resembling the noise made by a train or an engine
The old truck chugged down the road, its engine working hard.
We heard the boat chugging along the river before we saw it.
The train chugged slowly up the steep hill, its wheels clanking.
گڑگڑاہٹ, دھڑکن
the dull explosive noise made by an engine

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