تلاش کریں
Red light camera
ریڈ لائٹ کیمرہ, سگنل کے سرخ ہونے پر گاڑیوں کی تصویر لینے والا کیمرہ
a device installed at intersections to automatically photograph vehicles that run red lights
What is "red light running camera"?
A red light running camera is a type of traffic camera used to catch vehicles that run red lights at intersections. The camera is typically installed at traffic lights and is triggered when a vehicle crosses the intersection after the light has turned red. The camera captures photos or videos of the vehicle, including its license plate, and the vehicle owner is then sent a ticket or fine. Red light running cameras help reduce accidents and improve safety by encouraging drivers to stop at red lights.
Red light cameras help enforce traffic laws by capturing images of vehicles that do not stop when the traffic signal turns red.
Some drivers argue that red light cameras are intrusive because they photograph vehicles and their drivers without consent.
Cities often install red light cameras in areas where traffic violations and accidents are common to improve public safety.

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