تلاش کریں
Wheelchair tennis
وہیلچیئر ٹینس, کرسی کے ٹینس
a form of tennis adapted for players who use wheelchairs due to physical disabilities
What is "wheelchair tennis"?
Wheelchair tennis is a sport adapted from tennis, allowing athletes with physical disabilities to participate while using a wheelchair. The rules are mostly the same as regular tennis, with the key difference being that the ball is allowed to bounce twice before being returned, and the second bounce can occur outside the court boundaries if necessary. Players use a wheelchair to move around the court, and the game can be played in singles or doubles. Wheelchair tennis is an inclusive and competitive sport, played at various levels, from recreational to professional tournaments.
She excels at wheelchair tennis despite her physical challenges.
Wheelchair tennis allows players with disabilities to compete at a high level.
The championship features some of the best wheelchair tennis players in the world.