تلاش کریں
Cake flour
کیک آٹا, پیسا ہوا کیک کا آٹا
a finely milled type of flour that is low in protein content
What is "cake flour"?
Cake flour is a finely milled, delicate flour specifically designed for making cakes and other tender baked goods. It has a lower protein content compared to all-purpose flour or bread flour, which helps produce a softer, more tender crumb in cakes. Cake flour is typically made from soft wheat varieties and undergoes a finer milling process to achieve its light and silky texture. Cake flour can also be used as a thickener in sauces and gravies due to its low protein content. Its fine texture allows it to blend smoothly into batters and doughs, resulting in baked goods with a tender and airy texture.
For her grandmother 's birthday, she baked a moist red velvet cake using cake flour.
They used cake flour in their recipe to create a delicate and fluffy sponge for their layered cake.

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