تلاش کریں
وائس میل, صوتی پیغام
a system that allows callers to leave recorded messages for someone who is unable to answer their phone
What is "voicemail"?
Voicemail is a system that allows callers to leave recorded messages when the person they are trying to reach is unavailable to answer the phone. When a call is not answered, the voicemail system automatically picks up, and the caller can leave a message that can be listened to later. Voicemail systems are commonly used on mobile phones, landlines, and business lines. They allow the recipient to hear the message at their convenience, ensuring important information is not missed. Some voicemail systems also offer features like greetings, message storage, and the ability to send or receive voicemail notifications.
She checked her voicemail after missing a call from her boss.
The voicemail notification alerted him to an urgent message.
He forgot to check his voicemail and missed an important update.
وائس میل, صوتی پیغام
a message that a caller leaves when the person being called cannot answer the phone
After calling multiple times, she finally left a voicemail detailing the issue.
He listened to the voicemail she left while he was in a meeting.
The voicemail he received was from an old friend he had n't spoken to in years.
word family

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