تلاش کریں
to sprawl
پھیلنا, لیٹنا
to spread out one's limbs in a relaxed manner while sitting, falling, etc.
Intransitive: to sprawl
Exhausted after the long hike, he decided to sprawl on the grass and enjoy the view.
The cat lazily sprawled across the sunny windowsill, soaking in the warmth.
After a hearty meal, she contentedly sprawled on the sofa, relaxing with a book.
پھیلنا, چھا جانا
to extend or spread out in a disorderly or irregular manner
Intransitive: to sprawl somewhere
The overgrown garden had wild plants and tangled vines that sprawled across the entire yard
The city sprawls across the valley, with buildings and neighborhoods extending in all directions.
The artist 's materials sprawled across the studio.
بے ہنگم حالت, پھیلاؤ
an ungainly posture with arms and legs spread about
شہری پھیلاؤ, شہری اجتماعات
an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities