تلاش کریں
to beat up
[phrase form: beat]
مارپیٹ کرنا, زدوکوب کرنا
to physically attack someone, often with repeated blows
Transitive: to beat up sb
The gang members decided to beat up their rival in a street confrontation.
She witnessed a group of thugs attempting to beat her brother up.
خود کو ڈانٹنا, اپنے آپ کو ملامت کرنا
to experience a strong sense of regret and self-blame for a particular action or situation
Transitive: to beat up oneself
Rather than seeking support, he chose to beat himself up for the project's shortcomings.
She's been beating herself up since the disagreement with her friend.
جمع کرنا, اکٹھا کرنا
to gather or assemble something
Transitive: to beat up sth
Let 's beat up some support for the local community project.
The committee decided to beat up a list of potential candidates for the position.

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