تلاش کریں
to pillory
ہنسی میں اڑانا, پبلک میں ذلیل کرنا
expose to ridicule or public scorn
عام طور پر تنقید کرنا, مذاق اڑانا
to publicly criticize or mock someone
The media pilloried the celebrity for her controversial remarks.
He was pilloried online for his unpopular opinions.
They had been pilloried in the community for their unconventional lifestyle.
شرمندہ کرنا, پبلک میں سزا دینا
punish by putting in a pillory
طشت, ذلت
a wooden frame with holes for a human head and hands, used to publicly punish an offender in the past
In medieval times, the pillory was commonly used to shame petty criminals.
The crowd gathered around the pillory, jeering at the offender trapped inside.
He was sentenced to stand in the pillory for a day as a warning to others.

قریبی الفاظ