تلاش کریں
تنگ نظر, عدم رواداری
not open to new ideas, opinions, etc.
The company 's narrow-minded approach to innovation stifled creativity among its employees.
Her narrow-minded parents disapproved of her unconventional career choice.
The politician 's narrow-minded policies failed to address the needs of the diverse population.
تنگ نظر, شوک کا سامنا کرنے کی صلاحیت رکھنے والا
capable of being shocked
تنگ نظر, کٹر
rigidly adhering to a particular sect or its doctrines
The company's narrow-minded approach to innovation stifled creativity among its employees.
Her narrow-minded parents disapproved of her unconventional career choice.
The politician's narrow-minded policies failed to address the needs of the diverse population.
Growing up in a narrow-minded community, she often felt like she didn't belong.
His narrow-minded views on politics made it difficult to have meaningful discussions with him.
قریبی الفاظ