تلاش کریں
displaying simplicity, immaturity, or inexperience
His jejune approach to the complex issue reflected his inexperience and lack of understanding.
The teenager's jejune remarks about relationships revealed her limited life experience.
The debate became jejune when the participants resorted to simplistic arguments instead of engaging in meaningful discussion.
بے مایہ, کھوکھلا
lacking in substance or nourishment
The restaurant 's salad was so jejune, it hardly qualified as a meal.
Their dinner consisted of a jejune assortment of crackers and cheese.
The snack bar had only a jejune selection of chips and candy.
بے معنی, خالی
devoid of interest, importance, or influence
The speaker's jejune remarks failed to captivate the audience's attention.
The book's jejune plot left readers feeling unengaged and uninspired.
His jejune attempts at humor fell flat, eliciting only polite smiles from the audience.