порушення, дисфункція
a state or condition in which a part of one's body or brain does not work properly
What is an "impairment"?
An impairment is a condition where a part of the body or brain does not function as it should, affecting one's ability to perform certain tasks or activities. This can include physical impairments, such as difficulty walking or seeing, or mental impairments, like problems with memory or understanding. Impairments can vary in seriousness and may be temporary or permanent, impacting daily life and requiring support or accommodations to manage effectively.
The accident resulted in a significant impairment of his mobility.
Visual impairment requires special accommodations in the classroom.
The doctor diagnosed him with hearing impairment after a series of tests.
погіршення, умертвіння
the occurrence of a change for the worse
пошкодження, слабкість
damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality
псування, знищення
the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)
порушення, недолік
a symptom of reduced quality or strength

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