to gore
поранити, проколоти
wound by piercing with a sharp or penetrating object or instrument
порізати на смуги, порізати на гірлянди
cut into gores
кровопролиття, убивство
the shedding of blood resulting in murder
коло, клин
a piece of cloth that is generally triangular or tapering; used in making garments or umbrellas or sails
гніт, бруд
coagulated blood from a wound
гірка, виступ
a small, usually triangular piece of land found where two roads or highways diverge or merge
What is a "gore"?
A gore is a small, triangular piece of land or space typically found at the junction of two roads or highways, often at exits or entrances. It is the area between an on-ramp and a highway or between different lanes of traffic. Gores are designed to provide separation between vehicles merging or diverging, helping to ensure smooth transitions and reduce congestion or accidents. These areas are usually not meant for driving but are marked with signs or barriers to guide traffic.
The car broke down right on the gore where the two highways split.
The construction crew was working on the gore to improve the merging lanes.
Drivers should be careful not to stop on the gore, as it can be dangerous.