сильний такт
the first beat of a measure, typically emphasized in terms of accentuation and providing a sense of rhythmic stability
What is a "downbeat"?
A downbeat is the first beat of a musical measure and is typically the strongest or most emphasized beat. It marks the start of a new measure and often provides a sense of stability and grounding within the music. In a time signature like 4/4, the downbeat occurs on the first beat of each measure. Musicians often use the downbeat as a reference point to keep time and structure their rhythms.
Jazz drummers often accentuate the downbeat with a powerful stroke on the bass drum, anchoring the rhythm of the ensemble.
The audience clapped along with the downbeat, feeling the infectious groove of the music.
The downbeat of each measure serves as a reference point for musicians to coordinate their playing and maintain a steady tempo.
The conductor's vigorous gesture marked the downbeat, signaling the orchestra to begin playing.
The emphasis on the downbeat created a strong sense of rhythm.