досвідчений співрозмовник, таємний друг
a person with whom one shares personal matters or secrets trustingly
дорожній друг, радник
a character who serves as a trusted friend or advisor to the protagonist and with whom they share their innermost thoughts and feelings
Who is a "confidant"?
A confidant is a character in a story who serves as a trusted person to whom another character reveals their thoughts, feelings, and secrets. This character is often someone who listens, provides advice, or offers support without judgment. The confidant’s role is to help provide deeper insights into the main character’s inner life and personal struggles, assisting in driving the narrative and deepening the audience's understanding of the protagonist.
The betrayed friend had lashed out at their former confidant in a fit of anger.
He introduced his spouse as his rock and closest confidant.
Her empathic nature made her a trusted confidant for friends seeking support.
Emily's empathetic nature made her a trusted confidant, as she could genuinely relate to the challenges faced by her friends.