Hybrid vehicle
гібридний автомобіль, гібридний транспортний засіб
a car that uses both a regular gasoline engine and an electric motor to save fuel and produce fewer emissions
What is a "hybrid vehicle"?
A hybrid vehicle is a type of vehicle that uses more than one source of power, usually a gasoline engine and an electric motor. This combination helps the vehicle use less fuel and produce fewer emissions than a regular gasoline-only vehicle. The electric motor helps the vehicle run at lower speeds, while the gasoline engine takes over at higher speeds or when more power is needed. Hybrid vehicles are designed to be more efficient and environmentally friendly by reducing fuel use and pollution.
John drives a hybrid vehicle that switches between gas and electric power to use less fuel.
Hybrid vehicles recharge their batteries when braking, which helps them save on gasoline.
A hybrid vehicle can run on electricity alone at low speeds, reducing emissions.

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