хакама, традиційні японські штани
the traditional Japanese trousers worn over kimono, often used in martial arts like aikido and kendo
What is a "hakama"?
A hakama is a traditional Japanese garment that resembles wide-legged pants, worn over a kimono or other clothing. It is often associated with martial arts like kendo, aikido, and kyudo, where it is worn by practitioners during training and competitions. The hakama is made of durable fabric and is designed to provide freedom of movement while offering a formal and respectful appearance. It typically has pleats, with seven on the front and eight on the back, symbolizing different virtues in Japanese culture. The hakama is tied at the waist and sometimes includes a bow or knot to secure it in place.
She tied the hakama securely around her waist before beginning her Aikido practice.
The Kendo master 's hakama fluttered gracefully as he moved swiftly across the dojo.
The dojo 's floor echoed with the swish of hakama as students bowed to each other.
She tied the hakama securely around her waist before beginning her Aikido practice.
The Kendo master's hakama fluttered gracefully as he moved swiftly across the dojo.
The dojo's floor echoed with the swish of hakama as students bowed to each other.
As a sign of respect, students bowed deeply while holding their hakama.
In Judo, beginners must learn the proper way to fold their hakama after training.