Wire loop game

Wire loop game
гра на дротяній петлі, дротяний лабіринт
a skill-based amusement game where players use a handheld wand to navigate along a twisted wire without touching it, avoiding triggering a buzzing sound
What is the "wire loop game"?
The wire loop game is a simple puzzle game where players must guide a metal loop along a curved wire without letting the loop touch the wire. The wire is usually shaped into twists and turns, and the player holds the loop at one end, carefully maneuvering it through the maze. If the loop touches the wire, a buzzer or light sounds to signal a mistake. The challenge is to carefully control the loop while avoiding the wire, which requires steady hands and concentration. This game helps improve focus, hand-eye coordination, and patience.
She spent the afternoon playing with the wire loop game, trying not to touch the wire.
I was so close to finishing the wire loop game, but I accidentally touched the wire.
The kids took turns playing the wire loop game at the family gathering.

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