Click-through rate
коефіцієнт кліків, показник кліків
a metric used in digital advertising that measures the percentage of users who clicked on a specific ad or link out of the total number of impressions it received
What is "click-through rate"?
Click-through rate (CTR) is a metric used to measure the effectiveness of an online advertisement or link. It represents the percentage of people who click on an ad or link compared to the number of times it was shown, or its "impressions." The formula for calculating CTR is the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions, then multiplied by 100 to get the percentage. A higher CTR indicates that the ad is more engaging and encourages people to take action, while a lower CTR suggests the ad may need improvement.
The click-through rate of the email campaign improved after we added a more compelling subject line.
The website ’s click-through rate increased significantly after the new banner ad was launched.
We noticed a drop in the click-through rate after changing the design of the ad.

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