to cut one's own throat
to do something that causes one serious trouble or harm
What is the origin of the idiom "cut one's own throat" and when to use it?
The idiom "cut one's own throat" has its origins in the act of committing suicide by cutting one's own throat. The phrase is now used in a more figurative sense to describe someone who is doing something that is self-destructive or harmful to their own interests. It can also refer to someone who is undermining their own position or causing their own downfall through their actions or decisions. The phrase is often used to warn someone that their behavior is likely to have serious negative consequences for themselves.
By lowering prices so much, the company has essentially cut its own throat by making a profit all but impossible.
By posting those private messages publicly, she cut her own throat and destroyed any chance of a political career.
The employees' threats to strike cut their own throats because management simply closed the facility and moved operations overseas.

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