to talk down
[phrase form: talk]
говорити зверхньо, принижувати в розмові
to speak to someone in a way that suggests they are inferior or less intelligent than the speaker
Instead of talking down, offer constructive feedback for improvement.
It 's not professional to talk down to clients, regardless of the situation.
Talking down to others is not a sign of effective leadership.
зневажати, применшувати
to describe someone or something in a way that makes them seem less good or important
They often talk down the beauty of the countryside compared to city life.
She knew how to skillfully talk down the importance of the event to avoid stress.
The marketing team should n't talk down the new product features during the presentation.
to control an airplane's landing, using radio communication
The skilled controller can talk down any plane with precision.
The automated system was able to talk down the drone to the designated landing spot.
The captain skillfully talked down the damaged aircraft to a safe landing.
вмовити знизити ціну, впертися у зниження вартості
to convince someone to reduce the cost of something
The customer skillfully talked the car salesman down during the negotiation.
They successfully talked the supplier down on the bulk purchase cost.
With his negotiation skills, he talked the contractor down on the home renovation estimate.

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