to repress
придушити, пригнічувати
to stop the expression of thoughts, feelings, or actions
Transitive: to repress thoughts or feelings
He had to repress his anger when his team lost the game.
He tried to repress the memories of the traumatic event.
пригнічувати, репресувати
to suppress a rebellion, protest, or uprising through use of authority or force
Transitive: to repress a protest or uprising
The authoritarian regime represses dissent by silencing opposition voices and censoring the media.
The military junta repressed protests violently, leading to widespread human rights abuses.
пригнічувати, придушувати
to exclude unacceptable desires, thoughts, or memories from the conscious mind
Transitive: to repress memories
She represses her painful memories of the accident, refusing to confront them.
He repressed his childhood trauma for years until it resurfaced during therapy.
пригнічувати, стримувати
to hold back or prevent something from being expressed, developed, or revealed
Transitive: to repress an urge or action
She tried to repress her laughter during the serious meeting.
He tried to repress his excitement, but a smile betrayed his joy.

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