What is a puddle?
A puddle is a small accumulation of liquid, typically water, that forms on a surface due to rain, spilled liquids, or other sources. It is characterized by its flat shape and shallow depth, spreading across the ground or other flat surfaces. Puddles often occur in depressions or uneven areas where water can collect. They can be found on streets, sidewalks, or natural landscapes, and are formed by the pooling and stagnation of water. Puddles can vary in size, from tiny droplets to larger areas of standing water, and can have reflective properties, mirroring the surrounding environment. They are temporary in nature, as they tend to evaporate or get absorbed into the ground over time.
калюжа, ставок
бруд, глина
пописати, мочитися
змішувати, плутати
перемішувати, рихлішити
зробити калюжу, перетворити на калюжу
пудлити, присипати
робити калюжу, плескати
замочити, змочувати
потопляти, заливати
булькати, плескатися