to peck
клювати, плювати
(of a bird) to move the beak in a sudden movement and bite something
Intransitive: to peck | to peck at sth
The chickens pecked at the scattered grains in the yard.
The parrot learned to peck at the keys of the piano.
The ducks pecked playfully at each other in the pond.
поцілувати, цілувати
to give a quick and light kiss
Transitive: to peck sb
As a sign of affection, they would often peck each other on the cheek.
She bent down to peck her child on the forehead before bedtime.
To express gratitude, he pecked his friend on the cheek after receiving a thoughtful gift.
клювати, поклювати
to eat food in a small, delicate, or unenthusiastic manner
Intransitive: to peck at food
She pecked at her salad, not feeling hungry after the long day.
He pecked at his breakfast, barely touching the eggs and toast.
She pecked at the dessert, not in the mood for sweets.
приставати, гудити
to repeatedly complain, criticize, or find fault in a petty or annoying manner
Intransitive: to peck at sb
She kept pecking at him about not doing the dishes.
Stop pecking at me for every little mistake; I ’m doing my best!
She pecked at him all day, criticizing every little thing he did wrong.
кучка, множина
(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent
пек, пекна
a United States dry measure equal to 8 quarts or 537.605 cubic inches
пек, пек (як міра об'єму)
a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 gallons