a round red tropical fruit native to china, with a sweet white flesh, rough skin and a large seed
What is a "litchi"?
Litchi, also known as lychee, is a small tropical fruit with a rough, reddish-brown skin and a translucent white flesh that surrounds a shiny brown seed. It is celebrated for its sweet and fragrant flavor, reminiscent of a combination of grapes and roses. Litchis are prized for their juicy texture and refreshing taste, making them a popular choice for both snacking and culinary creations. This tropical fruit is not only delicious but also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, adding to its appeal as a healthy and exotic treat.
When I want to treat myself, I make a litchi and coconut smoothie with a splash of lime juice.
лічі, лічі
Chinese tree cultivated especially in Philippines and India for its edible fruit; sometimes placed in genus Nephelium
When I want to treat myself, I make a litchi and coconut smoothie with a splash of lime juice.