to eject
atmak, dışarı atmak
to forcefully expel or throw something out, often in a sudden or violent manner
Transitive: to eject sth
The volcano erupted violently, ejecting ash and molten lava into the air.
The malfunctioning printer suddenly ejected several sheets of paper all at once.
The security guards ejected the rowdy spectators from the stadium.
The bouncer ejected the unruly guest from the nightclub.
boşaltmak, çıkarılmak
to cause something to be forcibly expelled or pushed out from a machine or device
Transitive: to eject sth
The technician ejected the malfunctioning cartridge from the printer.
Teknisyen, arızalı kartuşu yazıcıdan boşalttı.
The operator used the control panel to eject the finished product from the assembly line.
Operatör, kontrol panelini kullanarak montaj hattından bitmiş ürünü boşalttı.
ışını atmak, fırlatmak
to quickly and forcefully escape from an aircraft in an emergency by being thrown out
Intransitive: to eject | to eject from an aircraft
The pilot had to eject from the fighter jet when the engine malfunctioned.
In a dramatic scene, the movie 's hero had to eject from the crashing spaceship.
atmak, dışarı atmak
to direct or compel a sports player to leave the playing area or field of play due to a rule violation or misconduct
Transitive: to eject a sports player
The referee had to eject the soccer player from the match after receiving a red card.
The basketball coach was frustrated when the referee decided to eject their star player.