None the wiser
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British pronunciation/nˈʌn ðə wˈaɪzə/
American pronunciation/nˈʌn ðə wˈaɪzɚ/

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used to describe a situation in which someone remains uninformed or unaware, typically after an event or the receipt of information
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none the wiser definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "none the wiser" and when to use it?

The idiom "none the wiser" likely originated from the idea that when someone fails to understand or grasp a situation, they remain without increased knowledge or insight, hence "none the wiser." Its exact historical origin is unclear, but it has been in common usage since at least the 19th century. This expression is used to describe a situation in which someone does not gain any additional knowledge or understanding despite their efforts or experiences. It suggests that the person remains as ignorant or uninformed as they were before.

He tried to explain the complex scientific theory to me, but I walked away none the wiser.
I watched the entire documentary on the topic, but I'm none the wiser about its significance.
After reading the confusing manual, I'm still none the wiser about how to assemble the furniture.
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