What is a "quetzal"?
A quetzal is an awe-inspiring bird species that inhabits the lush rainforests of Central America. Renowned for its stunning beauty, the quetzal boasts vibrant plumage, with males displaying a striking combination of iridescent green feathers on their back and a crimson or golden breast. One of its most notable features is its long, resplendent tail feathers, which can exceed the bird's body length and cascade gracefully as they fly through the forest canopy. Quetzals are arboreal creatures, often found perched on high branches, where they feed on a diet primarily consisting of fruits, insects, and small vertebrates. Due to their preference for mature cloud forests, quetzals play a vital role in seed dispersal, contributing to the forest's regeneration. In addition to its natural magnificence, the quetzal holds great cultural significance in the Mesoamerican civilizations, where it was revered as a sacred bird and symbol of freedom and wealth.