emetisk, kvalmframkallande
a substance that causes vomiting and is used in cases of poisoning or overdose to remove harmful substances from the stomach
What is an "emetic"?
An emetic is a type of medication that causes vomiting. Emetics are used to help remove toxic substances from the stomach in cases of poisoning or overdose. They work by stimulating the stomach lining and triggering the reflex to vomit, and so removing harmful substances before they can be absorbed into the body. Emetics are typically given under medical supervision and are not commonly used except in emergency situations where immediate removal of toxins is necessary.
An emetic is a crucial tool in treating certain types of poisoning.
The doctor administered an emetic to help the patient expel the toxic substance.
In cases of accidental ingestion, an emetic can be given to induce vomiting.

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