to dedicate
ägna, dedikera
to give all or most of one's time, effort, or resources to a particular activity, cause, or person
Transitive: to dedicate one's time or resources to a goal
She decided to dedicate her weekends to volunteering at the local animal shelter.
She wants to dedicate her life to environmental conservation.
He chose to dedicate his career to advancing sustainable energy solutions.
tilldela, inviga
to officially make something available for the public to use
Transitive: to dedicate a building or area
The city will dedicate the new park next month.
They dedicated the library after years of planning and construction.
The community center was dedicated for everyone to enjoy.
inviga, vigga
to formally declare a building, like a church, as sacred and devoted to a deity or saint
Transitive: to dedicate a building | to dedicate a building to a saint or deity
They gathered to dedicate the new chapel to the local patron saint.
The bishop will dedicate the new building this Sunday.
They decided to dedicate the shrine to a revered deity.
ägnar, dedikera
to formally name someone in recognition or honor in a book, artwork, or performance
Transitive: to dedicate a book or work of art to sb
She dedicated her novel to her parents for their support.
The composer dedicated the symphony to his mentor.
He decided to dedicate his first book to his late grandfather.