to divide and conquer
to not allow people become united and pose a threat to one by keeping them busy through causing disagreement and argument between them
What is the origin of the idiom "divide and conquer" and when to use it?
The origin of the idiom "divide and conquer" can be traced back to ancient times. The concept has been used by various military and political strategists throughout history. The phrase itself is commonly attributed to the Roman general Julius Caesar, who reportedly said, "Divide et impera" (Latin for "divide and rule"). This phrase is used in various contexts and occasions where strategies of fragmentation and control are employed.
The politician is employing a " divide and conquer " strategy to exploit divisions among rival parties.
The manager is using a " divide and conquer " approach to break down a complex project into smaller tasks for better efficiency.
The activist group advocates for unity instead of falling victim to the " divide and rule " tactics of those in power.

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