to teem
myllra, svämma över
to be filled with a lot of something, indicating a lively and busy atmosphere
Transitive: to teem with sb/sth
The playground teemed with children playing and laughing during recess.
Lekplatsen myllrade av barn som lekte och skrattade under rasten.
The vibrant street market teemed with stalls selling colorful fruits and handmade crafts.
Den livliga gatumarknaden myllrade av stånd som sålde färgglada frukter och hantverk.
myllra, strömma
to move in large numbers, often denoting a rapid and abundant movement of people, animals, or objects
The crowd teems toward the stadium, eager to witness the championship match.
Folkmassan myllrar mot stadiumet, ivriga att bevittna mästerskapsmatchen.
Yesterday, thousands of protesters teemed through the city streets, demanding social justice.
Igår myllrade tusentals demonstranter genom stadens gator och krävde social rättvisa.