beluga, belugaval
What is a "beluga"?
A beluga, also known as a white whale, is a species of marine mammal found primarily in the Arctic and subarctic waters. It is characterized by its distinct appearance, with a robust body, rounded head, and a prominent forehead called a melon. Belugas are known for their striking white coloration, which sets them apart from other whale species. They are highly social animals, often found in groups known as pods, and they communicate using a variety of vocalizations, including whistles and clicks. Belugas are opportunistic feeders, consuming a diet consisting mainly of fish, squid, and crustaceans. They are known for their playful behavior, often seen breaching, spy-hopping, and interacting with each other. Belugas are revered for their beauty and intelligence and are the subject of conservation efforts to protect their populations and their unique Arctic habitat.
hvalross, beluga