rygg, kam
an elevated area of land that forms a crest along a hill or mountain range
The Appalachian Mountains feature numerous ridges that stretch for miles.
They hiked along the ridge, enjoying panoramic views of the valley below.
The house was nestled against a ridge, offering protection from the wind.
rygg, kam
a long, narrow elevated strip of land or underwater feature that stands higher than its surroundings
The mountain ridge stretched across the horizon, providing breathtaking views of the valley below.
The oceanographer mapped the underwater ridge to understand its impact on ocean currents.
Hikers followed the ridge trail along the crest of the hill, enjoying panoramic vistas.
åskupa, takrygg
the highest point where two roof slopes meet, forming a horizontal line along the top of the roof
What is a "ridge"?
A ridge is the highest point where two sloping sides of a roof meet. It forms the horizontal line at the top of the roof, running along the entire length of the structure. The ridge helps to connect the roof's slopes and provides structural support, ensuring the roof is stable and well-aligned. It also plays a role in directing rainwater and snow off the roof to prevent leaks. In some cases, a ridge may have vents installed to allow air to circulate through the attic, helping to regulate temperature and moisture inside the building.
ås, list
any long raised border or margin of a bone or tooth or membrane
rygg, kam
a long narrow natural elevation on the floor of the ocean
rygg, ås
a long, elevated strip or crest of land, rock, or geological formation that extends prominently above its surroundings
The Appalachian Mountains feature several scenic ridges that offer stunning views of the valleys below.
Along the ocean floor, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge stretches for thousands of miles, marking the boundary between tectonic plates.
In desert landscapes, sandstone ridges create natural barriers and distinctive formations that stand out against the flat plains.
to ridge
kupera, åser
form into a ridge
skapa åsar, hacka
spade into alternate ridges and troughs
randa, högar
throw soil toward (a crop row) from both sides
plöja, stråplöja
plough alternate strips by throwing the furrow onto an unploughed strip
valla, åsa
extend in ridges

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