cresta, cordillera
cima, cresta
cumbrera, cresta
What is a "ridge"?
A ridge is the highest point where two sloping sides of a roof meet. It forms the horizontal line at the top of the roof, running along the entire length of the structure. The ridge helps to connect the roof's slopes and provides structural support, ensuring the roof is stable and well-aligned. It also plays a role in directing rainwater and snow off the roof to prevent leaks. In some cases, a ridge may have vents installed to allow air to circulate through the attic, helping to regulate temperature and moisture inside the building.
cresta, costilla
cordillera submarina, cresta oceánica
cresta, cordillera
formar una cresta, ondular
hacer bordes, formar surcos
montar, acumular
arar en surcos, arar en tiras alternas
acumular, crestar