вершина сердца
What is "apex"?
The apex refers to the pointed, lowermost part of the heart, located at the tip of the left ventricle. It is situated slightly to the left of the midline and rests against the diaphragm. The apex is an important landmark used to determine the precise location of the heart during physical examination and imaging studies. It is also where the heartbeat can be most easily felt or heard through a stethoscope, as the apex moves against the chest wall during each contraction of the heart.
апогей, вершина
апекс, верхняя точка
вершина носа
What is "apex"?
The apex refers to the pointed tip or the highest point of the nose. It is the most anterior and prominent part of the nasal structure. The apex of the nose is typically rounded or slightly pointed, and its shape can vary among individuals. It serves as a defining feature of the nose's overall appearance and can play a role in facial aesthetics. The apex of the nose is also important in terms of nasal symmetry and proportion, as it contributes to the overall balance and harmony of the face.
What is the "apex"?
The apex is the highest point or peak of a structure, particularly in reference to roofs, where the sloping sides meet. It marks the topmost part of the roof and can often be seen in various roof designs, such as gabled, hipped, and pyramid roofs. The apex is important for the overall shape and stability of the roof, allowing for proper drainage of rainwater and snow. In architectural design, it can also be a focal point, sometimes decorated or enhanced with features like finials or decorative elements to add visual interest to the building.