throw a wobbly
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British pronunciation/θɹˈəʊ ɐ wˈɒbli wˈɒblə/
American pronunciation/θɹˈoʊ ɐ wˈɑːbli wˈɑːblɚ/

внезапно захлестнуть ярость

to get extremely angry, upset, or frustrated and behave in an uncontrolled manner
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to [throw] a (wobbly|wobbler) definition and meaning

What is the origin of the idiom "throw a wobbly" and when to use it?

The origin of the idiom "throw a wobbly" can be traced back to British slang, specifically from the mid-20th century. The term "wobbly" is believed to refer to a wobbling or unsteady movement, symbolizing a loss of emotional balance or control. This phrase can be applied to various situations, both personal and professional, where individuals display intense emotional distress and express their feelings in an exaggerated or uncontrolled way. It is often used to describe moments of frustration, disappointment, or perceived injustice, where the person's emotional response goes beyond what is considered reasonable or proportionate.

If they don't get the desired outcome, they might throw a wobbly at the negotiation table.
He tends to throw a wobbler if his favorite team loses a game.
Yesterday, she threw a wobbly when she found out about the mistake in her order.
He threw a wobbler during the meeting last week, yelling and storming out of the room.
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Meaning of "To [throw] a (wobbly|wobbler)" in Russian
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