hit a raw nerve
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British pronunciation/hˈɪt stɹˈaɪk tˈʌtʃ ɐ ɹˈɔː sˈɛnsɪtˌɪv nˈɜːv/
American pronunciation/hˈɪt stɹˈaɪk tˈʌtʃ ɐ ɹˈɔː sˈɛnsɪtˌɪv nˈɜːv/

причинить боль или расстроить человека

to mention or do something that causes someone to become upset or angry
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What is the origin of the idiom "hit a nerve" and when to use it?

The exact origin of the phrase "hit a nerve" can be traced back to the medical understanding of how physical stimulation of a nerve can elicit a strong, often painful, response. It is also used in social or political discussions when a statement or action deeply affects individuals or groups involved. In these situations, the phrase highlights that a particular subject has struck a sensitive spot, revealing underlying tensions, unresolved issues, or deeply held beliefs.

Bringing up the topic of his unresolved family issues hit a raw nerve, and he abruptly changed the subject.
The criticism about her parenting skills hit a raw nerve, causing her to question her abilities.
His insensitive comment about her weight touched a nerve, leaving her feeling self-conscious.
When she mentioned his ex-girlfriend, it struck a nerve and he became visibly upset.
The movie's portrayal of a tragic event struck a sensitive nerve, evoking strong emotions from the audience.
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Meaning of "To [hit|strike|touch] a (raw|sensitive|) nerve" in Russian
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