the act of entering an aircraft, ship, train, etc.
The boarding process for the flight began promptly at 3 PM, and passengers were called by group number.
She grabbed her carry-on bag and joined the line for boarding, eager to settle into her seat for the long journey ahead.
доски, обшивка
a structure of boards
бортовка, швырок в борт
a penalty in hockey that is called when a player forcefully pushes an opponent into the boards surrounding the rink
What is "boarding"?
Boarding is a penalty in hockey that occurs when a player pushes or hits an opponent dangerously into the boards of the rink, usually with excessive force. This type of hit can put the opponent at risk of injury, especially if they are hit from behind. Boarding is considered a serious penalty because of the potential for harm and can result in a two-minute minor penalty or a more severe major penalty, depending on the severity of the hit. The penalty is meant to protect players from dangerous collisions.
The referee penalized him for boarding after he shoved the player into the boards.
Boarding is a serious offense in hockey, often resulting in penalties.

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