British pronunciation/wˈʊl/
American pronunciation/ˈwʊɫ/


the soft and thick hair that grows on the body of sheep and goats

овечья шерсть

thick thread made from wool, which people use for knitting

What is "wool"?


Wool is a natural fiber that comes from the fleece of sheep and certain other animals, including alpaca, llama, and cashmere goats. It is known for its warmth, durability, and versatility, and is commonly used for clothing, blankets, and other textiles. Wool fibers are crimped and elastic, which allows them to trap air and insulate against both cold and heat. Wool can come in a range of textures and thicknesses, from fine merino wool to coarse and wiry wool from other breeds of sheep. It is also naturally flame resistant, water repellent, and wrinkle resistant, and can be dyed in a range of colors. Wool is a sustainable and renewable resource, but is often criticized for its potential environmental impact due to the land use and methane emissions associated with sheep farming.



a warm and soft material that comes from the fur of sheep or lamb, which is commonly used to make clothing such as sweaters, coats, and hats
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