to refresh
освежать, обновлять
to renew or update something to improve its appearance or functionality
Transitive: to refresh sth
They refreshed the paint on the walls to brighten up the room.
He refreshed his skills by taking an online course.
She refreshed her wardrobe by adding a few new pieces for the upcoming season.
освежить, обновить
to feel revitalized or restored
The cool breeze helped me refresh after the intense workout.
She drank a glass of water to refresh and continue her studies.
Taking a break allowed me to refresh before tackling the next task.
освежить, восстановить
to restore energy or strength to someone or something
Transitive: to refresh a person or their spirits
A good night ’s sleep will refresh you for the busy day ahead.
The long walk in the fresh air helped refresh his mind.
The vacation was exactly what I needed to refresh my spirits.
освежить, вспомнить
to help someone remember something by reviewing or revisiting past information
Transitive: to refresh one's memory
He refreshed my memory by showing me the old email thread.
To refresh her memory, I went over the notes we took last week.
A quick glance at the map helped refresh my memory of the route.
(computing) to update a display, internet page, etc. and make the most recent information appear
Transitive: to refresh a display or webpage
You need to refresh the browser to view the updated content.
After the new post appeared, she refreshed her feed to see the latest updates.
He refreshed the page, and the new comments showed up instantly.

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