What is a "prawn"?
A prawn is a type of shellfish that belongs to the larger family of crustaceans, which also includes shrimp and lobsters. They have a distinctive appearance, with a slender body, a segmented exoskeleton, and a curved tail. Prawns are known for their versatility and are popular in various cuisines worldwide. Prawns can be found in both freshwater and saltwater environments, depending on the species. They are known to inhabit rivers, lakes, estuaries, and coastal areas. Prawns are highly adaptable and can adjust to a wide range of water conditions, making them prevalent in different regions across the globe.
In many Asian cuisines, prawns are commonly used in stir-fries and curries for their sweet flavor.
She ordered a prawn cocktail as an appetizer, topped with a tangy sauce and served on ice.
The chef taught us how to properly clean and devein prawns before cooking them.
креветка, ракообразное
any of various edible decapod crustaceans
to prawn
ловить креветки, вылавливать креветки
fish for prawns
In many Asian cuisines, prawns are commonly used in stir-fries and curries for their sweet flavor.
She ordered a prawn cocktail as an appetizer, topped with a tangy sauce and served on ice.
The chef taught us how to properly clean and devein prawns before cooking them.
The restaurant's specialty dish featured grilled prawns marinated in garlic and herbs.
The fishing trip was successful, and they caught a bucket full of fresh prawns to take home.