to dedicate
a dedica, a consacra
to give all or most of one's time, effort, or resources to a particular activity, cause, or person
Transitive: to dedicate one's time or resources to a goal
She decided to dedicate her weekends to volunteering at the local animal shelter.
She wants to dedicate her life to environmental conservation.
a dedica, a pune la dispoziție
to officially make something available for the public to use
Transitive: to dedicate a building or area
The city will dedicate the new park next month.
They dedicated the library after years of planning and construction.
dedica, sfinți
to formally declare a building, like a church, as sacred and devoted to a deity or saint
Transitive: to dedicate a building | to dedicate a building to a saint or deity
They gathered to dedicate the new chapel to the local patron saint.
The bishop will dedicate the new building this Sunday.
a dedica, a consacra
to formally name someone in recognition or honor in a book, artwork, or performance
Transitive: to dedicate a book or work of art to sb
She dedicated her novel to her parents for their support.
The composer dedicated the symphony to his mentor.

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