Signal maintainer

Signal maintainer
întreținător de semnale, mecanic de semnale
a person who ensures that train signals are functioning properly and safely
Who is a "signal maintainer"?
A signal maintainer is a railway worker responsible for installing, repairing, and maintaining the signals used to control train movements. They ensure that signals are working properly so that trains can travel safely and follow the correct routes. Signal maintainers may work on trackside signals, control towers, or other signaling systems that help direct train traffic. Their job involves regular inspections, fixing any issues that may arise, and replacing parts when needed. They must be knowledgeable about electrical systems and safety procedures to ensure that the signaling equipment functions correctly and prevents accidents.
Signal maintainers inspect tracks regularly to detect any potential issues with the signals.
A signal maintainer often works long hours, especially during inclement weather or emergencies.
Signal maintainers play a crucial role in maintaining the efficiency and safety of railway operations.

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